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April 27 2024


$100 Australian Dollar Converted to $65.34 US Dollar

April 27, 2024

Google News

Breaking News: Australian Dollar Falls Against US Dollar

Concise and Informative News Lead

Today, the Australian dollar fell to its lowest level against the US dollar in over a year. As of this morning, $100 Australian dollars was worth just $65.34 US dollars, down from $65.48 US dollars yesterday. This is the biggest loss in value the Australian dollar has experienced since March 2023. The decline is being attributed to a number of factors, including the ongoing trade war between the US and China, and the recent interest rate cut by the Reserve Bank of Australia. The fall in the value of the Australian dollar is likely to have a negative impact on the Australian economy. It will make it more expensive for Australians to import goods and services from overseas, and could lead to a slowdown in economic growth. The Australian dollar is expected to continue to fall in the coming months, as the trade war between the US and China continues to escalate.

